Thursday, September 26, 2013

Book Lockets and Hinged Boxes

A finished book with mica

What I'm working on now


  1. Wow, you do such great work! Do you make your own chains too?

  2. Thanks for your comments. I make some of the chains and sometimes use commercial chain but cut it up and put different styles and types together.

  3. They're so unique, just like the work you do! It's very inspiring, thank you for sharing!

  4. Hi Celie, I'm looking to buy a kiln for all types of pmc, I was hoping to get your opinion and possibly the type you use? This would be much appreciated!!

  5. Hey there!
    Wonderful to see this!
    Could one use the PMC +, in place of the PMC3 to enrich the sterling?

  6. Hi Melanie, Although PMC+ is my favorite of the fine silver clays, mixing it with PMC Sterling would sort of defeat the purpose of the new alloy; that purpose being to get a clay that's stronger than the strongest f/s PMC, and one that fires in air w/o carbon. PMC+ is quite a bit less strong than PMC3. I much prefer the way Plus handles but 960 is an improvement over PMC3 (if that helps!). Best, Celie

  7. Hey there!
    Wonderful to see this!
    Could one use the PMC +, in place of the PMC3 to enrich the sterling?
